The precise dose of coffee in each cup
IZAGA W is the first coffee grinder with internally scale controlled doses designed for workflow, speed and consistency.Its innovative Grind-by-Weight technology with instant scale controlled dosing guarantees the maximum consistency and a constant quality in all your coffees.

1- and 2-coffee doses
(with quick change between modes)
Instant delivery
Compact dose without spillage
High quality materials
porta-fi lter detection

Easy extraction for cleaning
It is not necessary to tare the porta-filter
Consistency +/- 0.2 grams
Smart ventilation
Long-life burrs
High reliability design
for maintenance
Coffee accounting (total or partial)
membrane keyboard (KEY)
The precise dose of coffee in each cup
IZAGA W is the first coffee grinder with internally scale controlled doses designed for workflow, speed and consistency.Its innovative Grind-by-Weight technology with instant scale controlled dosing guarantees the maximum consistency and a constant quality in all your coffees.

(con cambio rápido entre modos):
No es necesario tarar el porta-cacillos
Consistencia +/- 0.2gramos (modo instantáneo)

Fácil extracción para limpieza
Ventilación inteligente
Fresas de alta duración
Diseño simple de alta fiabilidad
Entrega instantánea
Dosis compacta sin desperdicio
Materiales de alta calidad
Consistent and precise coffee dosing
The IZAGA W coffee grinder incorporates innovative technology which offers the advantages of weight-controlled dosing.
• Consistent and precise dosing
• Direct programming of desired grams
• Real accounting of coffee consumed in kg
• Empty hopper detection
• Optimal management of coffee quantities
• Minimal adjustment required

Minimal adjustment required
The innovative Grind-by-Weight technology of the IZAGA W coffee grinder permits consistent coffee doses under different circumstances without barista adjustment.
1. Consistent doses despite changing the grinding point. The coffee grinding point can be changed to fi ner or coarser without affecting the coffee dose delivered to the fi lter.
2. Consistent doses despite burr wear. The natural wear of the burrs in the grinding chamber does not affect the ground coffee dose programmed for delivery to the filter.
3. Consistent doses despite changing the type of coffee. The ground coffee dose delivered to the filter is not affected by changing the type of coffee (Arabica, Robusta, Liberica or Excelsa) in the hopper.
4. Constant doses regardless of environmental conditions. Environmental factors (temperature, humidity or sunlight) do not affect the dose delivered.
Isolated grinding chamber and smart ventilation
The IZAGA W automatic coffee grinder has the most advanced technology to guarantee its high performance.
The design of the independent grinding chamber, thermally isolated from drive motor allows cold grinding, even for large coffee consumption.
High precision grinding point control
IZAGA W allows you to regulate the required coffee grinding point with micrometric precision.
Each CLICK of the grinding point modifi es the particle size by 0.0083 mm/click.
In addition, the bidirectional handle locking system, which requires the Coarse or Fine key to be pressed to start, allows for error-free adjustment of the grinding point in the proper direction.
Quick work mode change system
Users can switch between the PRE-GROUND and ON DEMAND grinding modes on IZAGA W grinders at the touch of a button.
The work mode and status of the dosing chambers are shown in real time on the alphanumeric display.
PRE-GROUND. The one- and two-coffee doses measured with high precision are delivered instantly in the porta-filter, with none of the time loss which hinders the agility required in a hospitality establishment.
ON DEMAND. The dose is ground and weighed when one or two coffees is requested. Maximum dosing precision (+/- 0.2 grams) is achieved in this work mode.
Working modes
Maximum freshness of freshly ground coffee.
On mode On Demand IZAGA W, coffee is ground when the 1 or 2 coffee porta-filter requests it.

Maximum performance for rush hours.
On mode Pre-Ground IZAGA W, 1 or 2 coffee doses are available in the grinder doser. When the porta filter requests it, the dose is delivered instantly.

Quicker. More compact. Less waste.
Thanks to the built-in dispenser on the IZAGA W automatic grinder, the filter receives the ground coffee in a compact dose which optimizes preparation time and avoids waste.

Online Management (optional)
Check the performance data of your IZAGA W remotely.
IZAGA W completes its features with the option of an online management system to know the coffee grinder information anywhere, anytime via your computer, tablet or smartphone.

Barista option
The IZAGA W is available with or without tamper, according to your preference.
The standard grinder comes with 57 mm and 53 mm tampers.
The grinder is also available without a tamper for use with a handheld one.

Black / Anthracite, for a more discreet and smart style.

There is also the possibility of adding advertising on the backlit panel at the front.